How to Use

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Remedies For Your Skin Sensitive Family*



Twist up the Tube

Twist up the tube

Use finger to push up the Balm

Use finger to "push" up the Balm

Hold finger while gliding the product to skin

Hold finger while gliding the product to skin

Close cap

Close cap


Diaper like a pro!

  1. Lay the baby on a clean surface and carefully remove the soiled diaper.
  2. Clean the area thoroughly using a wipe or wet cloth making sure to get in any cute creases, rolls, and skin folds.
  3. Let the area dry.
  4. Apply our Don’t Be Rash Diaper + All Over Balm
  5. Put on a new diaper.
  6. Make sure to wash your hands when you are done.


Safety Information

  • “Not Intended For Ingestion” The ingredients are natural and safe and though not intended for consumption
  • Do not get into eyes
  • Do not use it if you have a bee allergy
  • If an adverse reaction occurs, discontinue use and contact the physician immediately


Diaper Rash, Sensitive Skin Care