How to Use
Remedies For Your Skin Sensitive Family*
Twist up the tube
Use finger to "push" up the Balm
Hold finger while gliding the product to skin
Close cap
Diaper like a pro!
- Lay the baby on a clean surface and carefully remove the soiled diaper.
- Clean the area thoroughly using a wipe or wet cloth making sure to get in any cute creases, rolls, and skin folds.
- Let the area dry.
- Apply our Don’t Be Rash Diaper + All Over Balm
- Put on a new diaper.
- Make sure to wash your hands when you are done.
Safety Information
- “Not Intended For Ingestion” The ingredients are natural and safe and though not intended for consumption
- Do not get into eyes
- Do not use it if you have a bee allergy
- If an adverse reaction occurs, discontinue use and contact the physician immediately
Diaper Rash, Sensitive Skin Care