The Best Ways To Treat Your Baby’s Skin Rash
When your baby has a skin rash, it may be easy to feel helpless. But if you’re here, that means you are researching and looking to help your baby! As fellow moms who have kids with skin issues and allergies, we understand the helpless feeling when you don’t know what is wrong and your baby is upset. If you’re looking for community and potential answers of how to care for sensitive skin, you are in the right place!
When your baby has a skin rash, there are two main ways of caring for their sensitive skin: internally and externally. The skin is our largest organ overall and is our largest organ of detoxification, so when we are experiencing something internally wrong we also tend to experience it externally in some way. So, we need to treat the inside problem and the outside manifestation! However, sometimes the external issues can simply be that; external issues.
Let’s talk about internal issues first! The best way to treat internal issues that could be showing up as a skin rash is to figure out what could be causing the issue, such as a food allergy. Food allergies often manifest into various types of red skin rashes. Seeing your baby’s physician or a naturopath for a stool or blood test can help determine what kinds of allergies they have, and your physician can help you with caring for sensitive skin.
If your baby is small enough that they are not on solid foods yet, it could be in the milk they are ingesting. If you are breastfeeding your baby could be reacting to something you’ve eaten. You can get allergy tested yourself or try an elimination diet if you have an idea of what the food might be.
If your baby is formula fed, it could be the type of formula they are on.
Dairy is a very common allergen, and most formula is made from dairy -- even the lactose-free ones still contain dairy (lactose is simply a protein in dairy), so potentially try a sensitive tummy one or one made from coconut milk. Soy is another big allergen, so if trying a formula made from soy keep in mind that it might not make things better if your baby is sensitive to soy.
Lastly, for treating internal issues, a good probiotic formulated specially for babies could be a great option! Be careful though, most probiotics are made from dairy strains, so if you think your baby may have a sensitivity to dairy then be sure the probiotic doesn’t contain dairy.
The best way to treat external sensitive skin issues is with calming skin products! Products that are specially formulated for new, sensitive baby skin will help with any itching, pain, and redness your baby may experience from their rash. Be sure to get one that is meant for sensitive skin and is made with ingredients you recognize! In addition to phthalates and parabens, stay away from ingredients like “fragrance” and other vague terms that can contain many different harmful ingredients. Any ingredient you don’t recognize could also be a preservative or an unnecessary chemical, which could make your baby’s skin worse.
Other natural, traditional ideas like an oatmeal bath can help with itching (although that can get messy!). Of course, making sure that laundry detergents are all-natural can help reduce irritation; choosing brands that are all natural can help, but if you are using those and not seeing a difference, using something very basically natural like soap nuts might be an even gentler option.
Sensitive skin balms like EmBeba’s Don’t Be Rash Diaper + All Over Balm are meant for calming your little one’s skin with natural ingredients straight from the garden. Ours doesn’t contain any harsh or vague chemicals or preservatives, since it’s made by moms for moms! We understand and care for your baby’s long-term health and wellbeing, because we have littles of our own. There are many different calming skin products on the market to help your baby’s affliction, just be sure to check the ingredients and make sure it is the right one for your baby!
What calming skin products do you use and love for your family? How do you treat your baby’s skin rash?